$263/9 months
Access to over 150 seperate modules to support you right through your pregnancy and your birth
Course delivered in weekly instalments
$96/3 months
Access to over 150 seperate modules to support you right through your pregnancy and your birth
Course delivered in weekly instalments
$113/9 months
Access to everything you need to get you ready for your big day!
All delivered immediately upon subscription.
You might have longed for motherhood or perhaps this whole thing has arrived by surprise, either way, you will want access to the very best support for both you and your new family. This is what LucyLou Mother Nurture is all about; we exist to get you ready and walk with you on the journey of a lifetime.
LucyLou Mother Nurture is across the many different pregnancy and childbirth philosophies and practices but does not subscribe to any of these exclusively. Rather, we want to load you up with all the best and most current information available. We want to equip you to make your own informed decisions so that you may have the very best out of this experience.
You are the mum, it’s your time to call the shots, LucyLou is NOT here to give you biased or judgemental perspectives, but strives to give you all the information you need - natural and clinical, but delivered to you with warmth and care.
Early Daze Doula
Post natal doula, Amanda Bombardiere at Early Daze Doula (www.earlydazedoula.com.au) joins us with a wealth of breastfeeding information. Her emotional and practical experience in these areas herald her as one of Sydney’s best post natal doulas, yay! for Amanda. Amanda joins us at LucyLou Mother Nurture to share the benefits of breastfeeding, how to breastfeed and the importance of post natal support.
Gidget Foundation
Chris Barnes is a Clinical Psychologist, based in Sydney and has been in private practice for over 25 years. From her work with emotionally dis-regulated primary age children and their families, to her work with clients at a private women’s health clinic focusing on grief, loss, pregnancy and fertility, her passion for women’s emotional wellbeing has been a driving force in her career. Currently working at Gidget Foundation, Chris is a wonderful and much needed voice in the world of pregnancy. She joins LucyLou Mother Nurture to talk about mental health in the perinatal period. Visit www.gidgetfoundation.org.au.
Body Fabulous Pregnancy Fitness
Dahlas Fletcher is one of Australia’s most respected and successful certified pregnancy and post natal trainers and she is brilliant! When it comes to women enjoying safe and appropriate exercise during pregnancy and the post natal period, for the last 20 years Dahlas has been the guru. (www.bodyfabulous.com.au). Dahlas joins us at LucyLou Mother Nurture to discuss the pelvic floor and exercise during pregnancy/post birth.
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr Lisa Robinson obtained Fellowship of the Royal Australian New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and completed her training through Royal North Shore, and surrounding Sydney hospitals. Lisa is the best of the best and we heartily welcome her and her expertise to LucyLou Mother Nurture. She cares what we need to know about obstetric care, scans and tests during pregnancy, medicalised pain management and Cesarean section deliveries. www.drlisarobinson.com.au
Medical Nutritionist, Nutrition4You
Dr Megan is not your ordinary nutritionist! She’s passionate about returning families and individuals back to the concept of eating together and not feeling guilt over specific foods or food groups (here here! we love you already, Megan). Amongst other things, at LucyLou, Mother Nurture, Megan joins us to talk about what a good diet during pregnancy looks like, which foods to avoid during pregnancy and tackles the common (and dreaded!) symptoms of morning sickness and constipation. To understand more visit www.nutrition4you.com.au.
The Nurtury
Jen has practiced as a Midwife (3 cheers for midwives!) in Sydney, Australia for the last 20 years and is Founder of The Nurtury (thenurtury.com.au - check it out!). Jen is passionate about birth and helping new parents settle into their new roles. Jen is our type of woman(!) and partners with us at LucyLou Mother Nurture to talk about bleeding during pregnancy, due dates, premature labour and gets us ready with all we need to know about hospital care.
I used LucyLou’s services for both of my births. I found it to be invaluable to me during my epic 30+hour labour with my first. LucyLou felt right there beside me through every contraction as all the strategies and encouragement had been given that I would require. My first labour was particularly long and it was very challenging, I was so grateful for the support we had received prior to it.
The LucyLou content made me feel loved, believed in, encouraged and counselled as it provided so many answers to so many questions; every question under the sun from pregnancy to all-things birth. When baby had arrived, It was all so new and overwhelming but LucyLou had been a calm and stable compass for me.
Having the service again for my second was different but equally valuable. I felt I didn’t need the same intensive support to survive (like i did the first) but treasured LucyLou’s calmness, love and support. LucyLou is a gift and you will be supported from day dot!, you’ll be supported leading into the birth in the most caring, positive and respectful way. I can’t recommend enough!
You’re pregnant! congratulations, there’s much to celebrate and a lot to consider and decide. One of your first tasks will be to make a choice in regards to your and your baby’s care during...
The word ‘doula’ is a Greek word and it means to ‘mother the mother’, a perfect job description. As a doula, I’m not medically trained, like a midwife, nor do I have the expertise to deliver a baby but...
For centuries past, parents have been getting by with absolutely none of the below... and we survived as a species too, you might say... True! But, in a post-agrarian society, today as a culture, we...
Immediately following the arrival of your bundle of joy, you will want to focus on two priorities. Loving-up with your new babe AND giving your outrageously awesome bod a chance to recover. Don’t...
EVERY mum wants to look good WITHOUT the comfort sacrifice and these guys have nailed it; physio-endorsed leggings, bras, shape wear - your total pregnancy/breastfeeding-friendly/ recovery collection that’s thoughtful - you know.. seams where you need them, not where you don’t - pockets for the essentials and long lasting, durable fabrics. ‘Designed to grow with you’. Boom.
Swaddling baby promotes neuromuscular development and stimulates sleep, yep, SLEEP! You need these guys.
I’ve bought dozens of varieties of these over the years and this still stands out as best in show 😊
You can get them in varying TOG (warmth indicator), but my suggestion is to go for the plain stretch cotton variety. The Ergo Pouch knows its stuff and promotes healthy hip development with its attention to best shape. It encourages baby’s arms snuggled across their chest, has a reversible zip (for the by-stealth, night nappy change), is easily washable and durable. Say hello to your new bestie 😊
I’ve got loads of these soft carriers at home and the one that never fails me is the Baby Bjorn 3D Mesh. This is one of the newer styles and boasts ‘bestseller’ status. It allows face in/ out, from newborn stage, mesh for cooler wear, with all the support you need, minus the weight.
Conforms to max. safety and standard requirements... gold!
Any variety; you name them, I’ve tried them and if there’s one I come back to every.single.time, it’s these.
For decades Huggies have been taking care of our baby’s butts... if you’re after comfy days and dry nights... there’s no comparison.
Soft on baby’s bum and irritant free for sensitive skin. These are my go-to. No rubbing - they slide over that cute little butt removing any trace. Nothing else to add... except you’ll be using these waaay beyond your baby bearing years!
The best innovation yet to hit the milk-pumping world. This wearable, hands free, smarty pants has variable intensity settings and connects to Elvie’s app to monitor and track your milk volume in real time. Fits in your bra.. performing in silence as it works its magic.
All the mums are raving about this one.
Breastfeeding nipple care and protection cream
Great for cracked or sore nipples. Quick and effective. Always have some on stand-by!
Water-based dressing designed to provide a moist environment to accelerate healing process! These little geniuses soothe and help heal dry cracked nipples. Better yet.. they provide quick relief. *Sterile and hygienically sealed (of course)
The.best.ever. Nappy/diaper rash can get awful super fast. Good to have one at home and one in your baby bag.
Don’t bother with the ergo-shaped ones. The basic product does a PERFECT job.
Whether you’re leaking prior to birth, or on turbo whilst breastfeeding, these pads are the only way to go. Don’t forget to change regularly to prevent bacterial growth 😊
Bamboo breastfeeding pads - for leaky boobs! ultra slim, leak-free, absorbs fast, not scratchy either 😊 worth.every.cent.
If landfill drives you mental, these are your best alternatives.
You won’t be left high and dry when out in public with this. Curate all your nappy changing resources in one swoop.
The one and only. Designed to support natural suckling reflexes, Free from all the bad guys, light weight and orthodontically approved. Not the cheapest on the market but the safest 😊
NB. not for sleep, but a snuggle whilst in the stroller...
Cherub baby 4 in 1 infrared Digital Ear and forehead Thermometer V2
Because ‘my baby feels hot’ is not what the doctor means when he asks you if baby has a temperature.