Immediately following the arrival of your bundle of joy, you will want to focus on two priorities. Loving-up with your new babe AND giving your outrageously awesome bod a chance to recover. Don’t let a lack of prep steal your attention away from these two priorities.

So, pack that hospital-stay kit-bag with the essentials early, so you’ll be well catered for whilst in hospital, adoring your new bub.

Check list for mum:

1. Don’t forget the ‘usual suspects’

Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, hair brush, toothbrush, paste, deodorant, moisturiser, make-up.

Hospitals can smell fairly average at the best of times.  Some of my clients bring their most expensive and favourite room fragrance sprays... You can’t have a naked flame in a hospital, but oils and sprays do the trick.

2. Breast pads

Make sure they’re the ones with a large self-adhesive strip (these will ensure they don’t slip out when you’re constantly flipping up and down that feeding bra to feed bub). Choose ones designed with the shape of your breasts in mind :)  You’ll need to change these with every feed - up to twelve a day. Buy in BULK and pack in advance.

3. Maternity bras

Make sure you’ve been fitted and have purchased these before hand.

What to look for, is a maternity bra that: 

  • caters to changing breast and body size - Your breasts will increase up to 3 cup sizes. You’ll need a flexible and supportive bra, to accommodate this. 
  • is comfortable - This is paramount in the first couple of weeks. Look for no seams that may irritate your breasts in this highly-sensitive stage.
  • offer optimum support - When your milk starts ‘coming in’, your breasts will require a firm and supportive bra. Too loose and you’ll end up with Mt Vesuvius breasts, too tight and you’ll block your milk ducts and potentially end up with The Himalayas, including Mastitis.
  • has one-hand nursing clips and access for breastfeeding. ESSENTIAL!

4. Maternity sanitary pads and cheap large undies (to chuck-out afterwards)

It is normal to have heavy bleeding after your baby’s birth. This will be normal whether you have had a C-section or vaginal delivery. Lochia is the name given to postnatal bleeding. It typically begins in the hours immediately following birth and continues for up to three weeks. However, in some women Lochia, can last for up to six weeks (Don’t freak out - you’ll be fine).

Some hospitals provide you with your first packet of sanitary pads. However, you’ll need more. If I can suggest too that you ‘splash out’ a bit with these. Buy the most comfortable ones available. You already feel like a bit of a train-wreck, and little things like feeling pampered ‘down there’ help a great deal. 

5. Maternity PJs / Nighties / Clothes

Look for breastfeeding-friendly designs with breathable fabrics. Some have built-in bras, which are good for holding your breast pads at night.

6. Your own pillow

A heads-up - The hospital carries pillows, with a plastic lining underlay. They sound and feel awful and they make you sweat and you’ll be doing this a lot as it is. Bring your own for the best slumber.

7. Entertainment for children (including colouring-in books)

For visitors with children, or your other children that come in to visit. You wont much be feeling like a trollop of toddlers getting up to shenanigans, nor do you want the onerous task of being the entertainer!  Bring in those props.

8. Paw paw ointment

The go-to nipple prep and healing balm. Organic and safe for baby to ingest.

9. Water bottle and URAL sachets

If you have any grazing or stitches ‘down there’, URAL is fabulous in reducing the acidity levels of your pee and this will help take the sting out of it too. Remember as well, to drink PLENTY of water - this will soften your stools too - which can be difficult to pass for the first time after birth.  Charming, I know.

10. Ear plugs

If you’re on the maternity ward, you’ll hear EVERY BODY’S baby being wheeled in and out of their rooms for every feed. You can get next to no sleep. If your baby is sleeping in the nursery, the midwives will wake you when they bring her to you. If your baby is rooming in with you, you will still hear her cry... yes, you sure will! Ear plugs are pure genius.

11. Snacks/lollies/chocolate/fruit drink, muesli bars

You’ll get ‘the munchies’ at the strangest hours, usually not coinciding with hospital feeding times...

12. A book to read

Perhaps one that will help with breastfeeding or baby settling techniques. Although, let’s face it, baby is a bit too captivating by herself.

13. Plastic bags for dirty clothes (for you and bub)

Better still, if you have someone to collect these clothes and take them home to wash them for you, that would be ideal. You’ll have enough to do when you arrive back home 😊

Check list for bub:

(As a suggestion, check what your hospital provides first)

You may need:

  1. Nappies - Unless you’ve got someone couriering your dirty nappies from hospital and back again, you’ll need to use disposable ones. Bring 1 bulk packet.

  2. Wipes - 1 large packet.

  3. Outfits for stay - At least 5 of these.

  4. Singlets - At least 5 of these.

  5. Out fit to go home - something cute and photo-worthy (although let’s face it, she’s always photo-worthy!)

  6. Bunny rug or wrap - It could be cooler outside than what she’s used to.

  7. Mittens - weather dependent.

  8. Socks - always. Their little toots are always cool and they’re not moving around, like us.

  9. Dummy / pacifier - I know... but just in case.

These will be some of the most cherished days in the life of your family. This simple preparation will ensure that you can focus on what’s most important.

Hugs into the ether...
